Number of seats: 1) B. Pharm- 60 2) D. Pharm. - 60
Q 2. Where is the location of the Institute?The institute is located very close to Amroha Railway station. Amroha is well-connected to Delhi, Moradabad, and other important cities of the state by National Highway and Indian Railway. It is situated at Nizampur Gharbi on Dhanaura Road, Amroha 244221, UP.
Q 3. What is the admission procedure?The institute has 60 intake capacities for B. Pharm. Candidates can apply through UPSEE counseling or take direct admission. UPSEE Eligibility Criteria 2020, set by Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Uttar Pradesh, applies. The institute also has 60 intake capacities for D. Pharm.
Q 4. What is the eligibility criteria for admission?Eligibility for Admissions to B. Pharmacy :
The Minimum marks required to get admission in B. Pharm in UPSEE entrance exam were 270 out of 600 (general category) and 240 out of 600 ( ST/SC) in 2018.
Q6. What is college fees?Every year, college fees are decided as per the Government of UP norms.
Q.7. Criteria for different Scholarships available for students: (Government).Attractive scholarship scheme are offered to meritorious students. Please contact the college for more details. Fee concessions for weaker sections of the society are also provided.
Q 8. What documents are needed for admission process?For B. Pharm course via UPSEE counseling/Direct admission:
The campus has a canteen for refreshments and hygienic foods. Furthermore, Wi-Fi, internet connectivity, on-call medical help, and 24x7 securities are readily available.
Q10. What is the reputation stage of institute?MESCO Institute of Pharmacy is one of the top-most rated Pharmacy Colleges for pursuing education in pharmacy. The B. Pharm. Course is affiliated with AKTU, Lucknow, and D. Pharm. Course is affiliated with BTE, Lucknow. Both courses are approved by the Pharmacy Council of India, New Delhi.
Q 11. Whether the Institute provides campus placements facility?The institute has a separate Training and Placement cell operating under the guidance of an excellent Training & Placement In-Charge. The college is located in the vicinity of various Pharmaceutical Industries which helps in training & placement.
Q 12. Whether the institute provides hostel facilities to outstation candidates?The institute does not have its own hostel but provides full support to outstation candidates to find accommodation in nearby areas of the institute.
Q 13. Whether the institute has transport facilities?Yes
Q 14. What is Industry Exposure to students?The College has MOUs with Jamia Hamdard University, New Delhi, and different industries and an active Industry Institute Interaction cell through which experts from the industry visit the institute for interaction with the students for the upgradation of knowledge. Students can also perform short-term projects and industrial trainings.
Q 15. Does the institute conduct industry visits?Every year the institute organizes industrial visits to give an insight into industrial culture to the students. In 2019, an industrial tour was conducted at The Himalaya Drug Company Pvt. Ltd., Dehradun, Uttarakhand.
Q 16. What efforts are taken by college for personality development of the students?Students are trained not only for curriculum-related topics but also exposed to soft skills, communication skills, and personality development. The college has well-equipped language labs with trained faculty for the development of communication and soft skills, and the college has a tie-up with consultancies.
Q 17. Top reasons to join the Institute?No, B. Pharm is a 4-year full-time course, while the D. Pharm is a full-time 2-year course.
Q 19. Does the institute has any student welfare schemes?Our institute indulges in personal and professional counseling for students, along with mentoring programs and career guidance schemes. The institute is equipped with double film projectors and audio-visual aids for organizing various debates, music, dance, folk songs, drama events, and other personality development and professional competitions.
Q 20. What is procedure to avail loan facility?Students can avail loan facilities through all nationalized banks via government schemes for pursuing technical education at heavily discounted interest rates. Our institute provides full support regarding this issue.
Q 21. What is the scope and placement of Pharmacy courses?All Pharmacy courses are job-oriented and also have potential for self-employment. Major career opportunities after B. Pharm include production and manufacturing, quality control, research and development, regulatory affairs, data management, clinical hospital pharmacy, sales and marketing, entrepreneurship, government jobs, and higher education.
Q 22. Is there any Uniform for these courses?Yes, students are required to wear the college uniform six days a week, and a white lab coat is compulsory for routine practicals.
Q 23. What extracurricular activities are held in the College?The Institute organizes cultural events such as annual gatherings, day celebrations, debate competitions, sports activities, and encourages students to participate in various inter-collegiate events.
Q 24. What is the minimum attendance required for appearing for final exams?Seventy-five percent attendances for both theory and practical is mandatory for attending the final exams of BTE, UP, and eighty percent attendance is mandatory for appearing in the final examinations of DRAKTU, UP.
Q 25. Are there any options to select the subject during the course?No, all subjects during the four-year B. Pharmacy/two-year D. Pharmacy course are compulsory.
Q 26. Is there any health care facility for students?The campus has a 24-hour emergency and ambulance service. Students are examined for a basic checkup as soon as they join the college, and later, in case any need arises, they are provided with the best services.
Q 27. How can I assure about students safety/ security?Students are not allowed to enter the campus without an I-card; there is only one gate entry. The campus is under CCTV surveillance.